The winners of the Carl von Schreibers Research Awards 2022
04. April 2022
As part of the lecture afternoon "neugier!wissen!schaft", the Carl von Schreibers Research Awards were presented to young
female researchers at the NHM Vienna on 30 March 2022. A total of seven female award winners were honoured:
Jury Prize Lecture:
Susanne Reier, „Folge den Fischen und du findest die Wege“
Audience Award Lecture Category:
Zita Roithmair, „Zeig‘ deine Beine – Skurrile Strukturen auf Hundertfüßerextremitäten“
Category Jury Award Poster:
Anna Sofie Zimmermann, „Er gebe ihr Kleidung nach Art seines Reichtums! – Falten als Statussymbol“
Audience Award Poster Category:
Lisa Holler, Seher Turgut, Elisabeth Skudelny und Cara Jäger, „Ein Experiment zum prähistorischen Salztransport zu Wasser: Die Herstellung und Erprobung eines Fellbootes“
"The audience was offered exciting insights into the colourful range of scientific work at the Natural History Museum Vienna. After all, with its approximately 60 scientists, the house is considered the largest non-university research institution in the geosciences and biosciences in Austria," said NHM Vienna Director General and Scientific Director Dr. Katrin Vohland, who was delighted with the young talents.
Carl von Schreibers headed the "Vereinigte k.k. Naturalien-Cabinete". He was an innovative researcher, a universally educated scholar and an outstanding organiser, under whose leadership the museum developed into an important research institution.
The Science Award has been presented under his name to young scientists at the NHM Vienna every two years since 2013 (2021 was postponed to 2022 due to the pandemic). The presentations provide insights into the issues and the broad research spectrum of the museum.
The jury was composed of representatives from science, business, media and public administration: DI Harald Pflanzl (President of the "Friends of the Natural History Museum", BASF Austria, Manager), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marianne Popp (University of Vienna, Botanist), Dr. Pia Schölnberger (Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture, Civil Service and Sports, Section IV), Ing. Dieter Schumacher (Entrepreneur Network Technology), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristina Sefc (University of Graz, Zoologist), DI Bernhard Weingartner (TU Vienna, Science Communicator).
In addition to the jury, the audience could also cast votes and award the audience prize.
The event was organised by the Friends of the NHM Vienna; we thank the association, BASF Austria and Terra Mater for providing the prizes.
Susanne Reier, „Folge den Fischen und du findest die Wege“
Audience Award Lecture Category:
Zita Roithmair, „Zeig‘ deine Beine – Skurrile Strukturen auf Hundertfüßerextremitäten“
Category Jury Award Poster:
Anna Sofie Zimmermann, „Er gebe ihr Kleidung nach Art seines Reichtums! – Falten als Statussymbol“
Audience Award Poster Category:
Lisa Holler, Seher Turgut, Elisabeth Skudelny und Cara Jäger, „Ein Experiment zum prähistorischen Salztransport zu Wasser: Die Herstellung und Erprobung eines Fellbootes“
"The audience was offered exciting insights into the colourful range of scientific work at the Natural History Museum Vienna. After all, with its approximately 60 scientists, the house is considered the largest non-university research institution in the geosciences and biosciences in Austria," said NHM Vienna Director General and Scientific Director Dr. Katrin Vohland, who was delighted with the young talents.
Carl von Schreibers headed the "Vereinigte k.k. Naturalien-Cabinete". He was an innovative researcher, a universally educated scholar and an outstanding organiser, under whose leadership the museum developed into an important research institution.
The Science Award has been presented under his name to young scientists at the NHM Vienna every two years since 2013 (2021 was postponed to 2022 due to the pandemic). The presentations provide insights into the issues and the broad research spectrum of the museum.
The jury was composed of representatives from science, business, media and public administration: DI Harald Pflanzl (President of the "Friends of the Natural History Museum", BASF Austria, Manager), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marianne Popp (University of Vienna, Botanist), Dr. Pia Schölnberger (Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture, Civil Service and Sports, Section IV), Ing. Dieter Schumacher (Entrepreneur Network Technology), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristina Sefc (University of Graz, Zoologist), DI Bernhard Weingartner (TU Vienna, Science Communicator).
In addition to the jury, the audience could also cast votes and award the audience prize.
The event was organised by the Friends of the NHM Vienna; we thank the association, BASF Austria and Terra Mater for providing the prizes.