Cats & Dogs

from 04. October 2017
A dynamic, interactive exhibition about our most popular pets.

“Cats and Dogs” is a dynamic, interactive exhibition about our most popular pets, which shows the animals from a lesser-known side. The exhibition features entertaining information about abilities, peculiarities, and intelligence of our four-legged companions, which results from 30 years of scientific observation of the behavior of dogs and cats; it also encourages the visitors to observe and interpret typical reactions of the animals.

The exhibition has three main topics: The "in our society"-section shows the cultural aspects of the long-lasting coexistence; "in their heads" offers in the form of unusual experiments the possibility to see, hear, and feel like our four-legged friends; and "in their skin" is designed as an activity area where the audience is animated to compare their own physical abilities with those of dogs and cats.

In Austria there are at least 600,000 dogs and 1.5 million cats – breed dogs and mixed breeds, breed cats and street cats, guide dogs, and rescue dogs. They are an integral part of our houses and streets, and even of our world of ideas. For thousands of years they were esteemed or feared by the humans.

But what do we really know about them?
How have they become so different from their wild ancestors? How do they perceive their surroundings? What do they feel? How do they communicate? Can they understand us? How do we live together? How many descendants can a cat have? How long does it take to train a therapy dog? What is the optimal diet and daily schedule for the pet? These are just some of the basic questions that are answered in the exhibition in a variety of ways, including reference to widespread prejudice and false ideas.

Games and computer animations encourage visitors to see the world through the eyes of their four-legged friends to understand their behavior. Senses, abilities, feelings, intelligence, and body language are discussed. There is an opportunity to interpret the wide range of utterances and the message they convey: aggravation, irritation, hunger, anxiety, pain, well-being, search for closeness, and need for attention. In return, visitors will learn how their own body language is interpreted by cats and dogs.

In addition, the exhibition provides information about the wild master forms, about breed dogs and breed cats, their targeted breeding, and domestication phenomena, but also about challenges, such as keeping pets in large cities.

An exciting addition to the exhibit are four frozen baby animals from the last Ice age, which are on display - for the very first time - at the Natural History Museum Vienna,  in cooperation with the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Two cave lion babies, 12 000 years old, were found as frozen carcasses in the permafrost of Yakutia in eastern Siberia. The cave lion is a subspecies of the modern lion „Panthera leo“. In addition, two Alsatian whelps were found there as well. They died 12 460 years ago at the age of 3 months. Skin, fur, and inner organs of the animals were well preserved in the permafrost. DNA-tests showed that those animals are early, primitive dogs.


Framework programme:






jeden Samstag, 16.30 Uhr  
Führungskarte 4.- Euro


NHM Wien Thema

Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2017, 15.30 Uhr:
Instinkt oder Intelligenz bei Hund & Katz?
Claudia Roson
Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2017, 15.30 Uhr:
Hund & Katz & Mensch
Peter Sziemer
Sonntag, 5. November und Sonntag, 17. Dezember 2017, 15.30 Uhr:
Aktuelles zur Wildkatze in Österreich
Katharina Stefke
Sonntag, 3. Dezember 2017 und 21. Jänner 2018, 15.30 Uhr:
Die etwas anderen Katzen und Hunde: Höhlenlöwe, Bärenhund, Säbelzahnkatze & Co
Ursula Göhlich

Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2017, 15.30 Uhr:
Das andere Ende der Leine
Claudia Roson

NHM Vienna Lecture

Lecture in English:

Wednesday, 29. November 2017, 6.30 p.m.:
What makes dogs special?
Clive D. L. Wynne (Arizona State University)


Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2017, 18.30 Uhr:
Vom Nahrungsmittel zum Seelentröster: zur Kulturgeschichte des Hundes
Christa Riedl-Dorn
Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2017, 18.30 Uhr:
Buchpräsentation: Altwiener Tiergeschichten – erlesene Geschichten & feine Feuilletons
Thomas Hofmann (Autor)

Mittwoch, 8. November 2017, 18.30 Uhr:
Wie Hunde denken – Beispiele aus der Forschung am Clever Dog Lab Vienna
Ludwig Huber (VetMedUni Wien)

Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2017, 18.30 Uhr:
Was brauchen Hund & Katz & Co um glücklich zu sein?
Maria Feldgrill (Tierombudsstelle Wien)
Mittwoch, 31. Jänner 2018, 18.30 Uhr:
Können Hunde Krebs nachweisen?
Wolfgang Gleichweit (Verein zur Ausbildung von Gebrauchs-, Forschungs- und Suchhunden)
Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2018, 18.30 Uhr:
Hund & Katz – wie intelligent sind sie?
Claudia Roson

Mittwoch, 14. März 2018, 18.30 Uhr:
Warum Hund & Katz zu unseren Tierkumpanen wurden
Claudia Roson

NHM Vienna Behind the scenes


Sonntag, 5. November 2017, 11.00 Uhr:
Über die Gebisse von Raubtieren
Katharina Stefke
Mittwoch, 15. November 2017, 18.30 Uhr und Sonntag, 7. Jänner 2018, 11.00 Uhr:
Von Idefix und Perserkatze
Konstantina Saliari
Sonntag, 3. Dezember 2017, 11.00 Uhr:
Gut gebrüllt – Fossilien ausgestorbener Raubtiere
Ursula Göhlich

NHM Vienna Events


Samstag, 14. Oktober 2017 und Samstag, 11. November 2017, jeweils 11.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr
Cat Video Festival Vienna gemeinsam mit VIS Vienna Shorts Agentur

Stubentiger und Wildkatzen spielend, fauchend und schnurrend auf der großen Leinwand im Vortragssaal des NHM Wien:
11.00 Uhr: KEDI, 79 min.
Regie: Cedya Torun/Türkei, USA, Deutschland
Türkisch mit engl. Untertiteln
14.00 Uhr: Cat Video Festival Vienna 2017, 70 min.
15.30 Uhr: The Private Life of a Cat, 65 min.
17.00 Uhr: THE KITTY AI – Hope Is The Thing With Fur, 65 min.
Freitag, 17. November 2017 und 16. Februar 2018, 19.00 Uhr:
Verlässliche Spürnasen beim Österreichischen Zoll
Mit Rudolf Druml (BM für Finanzen) und Harald Schwammer (Stv. Dir. Tiergarten Schönbrunn)

Freitag, 9. Februar 2018, 15.00–18.00 Uhr:
Fotoshooting mit Manfred Baumann zugunsten des Wiener Tierschutzvereins und Maggie Entenfellners Tierecke

Sonntag, 18. Februar 2018, 11.00 Uhr:
Rund um den Hund
Kurt Kotrschal und Andrea Benedetter

Ab 13. Oktober 2017 im Kino:
„Tiere und andere Menschen“ | Dokumentarfilm über Mensch-Tier Beziehungen von Flavio Marchetti
Kooperation mit Polyfilm: Gegen Vorweis eines NHM Wien-Tickets erhalten Sie im Filmcasino (Margarethenstr. 78, 1050 Wien) ein reduziertes Ticket für den Film und umgekehrt.

NHM Vienna Kids & Co


ab 6 Jahren:
Sonntag, 8. und 22. sowie Samstag, 14. und 21. Oktober 2017
Freitag, 8. bis Sonntag 10. sowie Samstag, 16. und Sonntag,
17. Dezember 2017, 14.00 Uhr:
Hund & Katz

ab 3 Jahren:
Sonntag, 26. November 2017, 16.00 Uhr:
Hund & Katz

Kindergartenführung (50 Minuten)
Schulführung (50 Minuten)
Aktionsführung (80 Minuten)
Workshop (3 Stunden) Wildtier – Haustier

Schools and pre-schools


Führung für Kindergartengruppen, 50 Minuten
Führung durch die Ausstellung für alle Schulstufen, 50 Minuten
Aktionsführung für die 1.-8. Schulstufe, 80 Minuten
Workshop für die 1.-8. Schulstufe, 3 Stunden

Alle Informationen und Anmeldung unter "führungen & aktivitäten" oder als PDF zum Download.

Instalove for cats & dogs!

Participate in our social-media photo competition “Instalove for cats & dogs” and become part of the exhibition!
This is what you need to do:
* Share photos of your cat or dog on Instagram adding the hashtag #huk2017
* The submitted photos will then be shown at the exhibition!
* The 3 best photographs will win great prizes
* The photo competition will be open for submissions until 4 December 2017
* As an alternative to Instagram, you can also post the photos on Facebook under the hashtag #huk2017, adding @NhM Naturhistorisches Museum Wien!
Submission routes for our photo competition:
Instagram: @nhmwien
Facebook: NhM Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
#huk2017 #nhmwien #kurierat #igersvienna

The photo competition is held in co-operation with Instagramers Vienna (@igersvienna) and KURIER (@kurierat).
A screen will display submitted pictures already during the submission period.
In December, a jury consisting of representatives of NHM Vienna and the cooperation partners KURIER and Instagramers Vienna
will pick the 3 best pictures. Prizes will also be awarded to the 10 best photographs. Winners will be notified via their social media account.
Submission period of the photo competition: 4 October until 4 December 2017

Conditions of participation (in German)