Dr. Elisabeth Haring
- Head of the central research laboratories
- Research
- Academic teaching and supervision of students
- Scientific advice and support of guests
- International contacts
- Scientific expertises
- Knowledge transfer
- Management of tissue collection and data bases

The research projects of the Laboratory of Molecular Systematics deal with phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies of a broad variety of animal species. These studies include also questions of genetic and morphological diversity. The projects are performed in cooperation with different departments of the NHM as well as in the course on national and international collaborations.
- 10.11.2005 Habilitation at the University of Vienna (Zoology) Title: "Evolution of transposons, genomes and sequences: different aspects of molecular evolution."
- 30.6.1997 Ph.D. graduation (genetics) at the University of Vienna
- 1995-1997 Ph.D. thesis at the Institute of Medical Biology, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna Title: ”Expression and interactions of P element subfamilies in the genome of Drosophila bifasciata.”
- 2.12.1994 M.Sc. graduation (genetics) at the University of Vienna
- 1993-1994 M.Sc. thesis at the Institute of General Biology, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna Title: ”The P transposons of Drosophila bifasciata: molecular characterization, mobility and origin of the M-type and O-type family”
Professional History
- since 1.1.2012 Head of the Central Research Laboratories (Museum of Natural History, Vienna)
- since 1.1.2009 Head of Laboratory of Molecular Systematics (Museum of Natural History, Vienna)
- since 1.5.1998 Scientific researcher at the Museum of Natural History, Vienna (1st Zoological Dept., Laboratory for Molecular Systematics)
- 2.9.1996-30.4.1998 Assistant professor at the Institute of Medical Biology, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna
- 14.4.1994-30.6.1996 Teaching assistant at the Institute of General Biology, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna
- 1.1.1994-31.1.1996 Research assistant at the Institute of General Biology, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna, project: ”Horizontal transfer of P transposons between Drosophila species”.
Academic Teaching
- since 2014 Seminar: “Evolutionary genetics - Concepts and applications in population genetics and phylogenetics” (Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna)
- since 2008 "Practical course: molecular phylogeny based on museum specimens" (Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna)
- since 2007 "Scientific research at the Museum of Natural History - significance of scientific collections for evolutionary studies" (Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna)
- since 2005 "Seminar for Master, Diploma and PhD-students in evolutionary biology and molecular systematics" (Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna)
- since 2005 "Introduction into evolutionary biology based on current topics in vertebrate systematics" (Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna)
- 2003-2004 "Current topics in vertebrate systematics" (Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna)
- 2000-2002 "Molecular evolution" (Faculty of Science, University of Vienna)
- 1998-2003 Co-lecturer of the practical course ”Experimental population- and evolutionary genetics” (Faculty of Science, University of Vienna)
- 1995-1999 Co-lecturer of the practical course ”Genetics for medical students” (Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna)
- 1995-1999 Lecturer of the practical course ”Biology for medical students” (Faculty of Medicine, University of Vienna)
- 1993-1997 Co-lecturer of the theoretical and practical course ”Molecular genetics of mobile DNA in the Drosophila system” (Faculty of Science, University of Vienna)
Professional Memberships
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde
- Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft
- NOBIS - Network of Biological Systematics (Deputy Secretary since 2014)
- Freunde des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien (Deputy Secretary 2002-2017)
- Molluscan Research Austria (Founding member, President since 2016-2023)
- Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft Österreich (President since 2021)
Further functions
- Board member of the FWF Austrian Science Fund (Reporter, 2014-23)
- Theodor Körner Fonds (scientific advisory board member, 2006-2020)
- Biological security administrator for experiments with GVO (genetically manipulated organisms) at the NHM (since 1999)
- Beirat für Tiergartenbiologie, Zoologie und Ökologie der Schönbrunner Tiergarten-Gesellschaft (2018-2024)
- Member of Austrian National Committee of UNESCO´s Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB; since 2018)
- Member of “Österreichischer Biodiversitätsrat” (since 2019)
- Member of the Scientific Board (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat) des „Nationalparks Neusiedlersee – Seewinkel“ (since 2021)
- Scientific Bord Member of the "National Hub Biodiversität & Wasser" (BiodiWa since 2022)
- Member of the "Kommission für Biodiversität in Österreich – Biodiversity Austria (BiodivA)" of the ÖAW (since 2024)
Editorial experience
- Editor in Chief: Journal of Zoological Systematics & Evolutionary Research (2012 - 2021)
- Editor: Arianta - Journal of Mollusc Research Austria (since 2014)
- Editorial Board: ACTA Zoobot Austria (since 2021)
- Reviewer: e.g., Avian Biology, Biological Journal of the Linnean Socienty, BMC, Evolutionary Biology, Forktail, Heredity, Journal of Natural History, Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, Raptor Research, Mammalian Biology, Molecular Ecology, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Zoologica Scripta
Molecular Systematics - birds, mammals, insects, molluscs
Molecular Evolution
Supplements to
HARING E., KRUCKENHAUSER L., GAMAUF A., RIESING M., PINSKER W. (2001): The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Buteo buteo (Aves, Accipitridae) indicates an early split in the phylogeny of raptors.- Mol. Biol. Evol. 18: 1892-1904.
download: Proteins_Haring.pdf 123.3 kB, rRNAs_Haring.pdf 105.5 kB