Heinz Grillitsch

associate scientist
  • 1951 Born in Vienna, Austria
  • 1969 final exam, grammar school, Vienna
  • 1969-1970 military service
  • 1970 study of medicine, University of Vienna
  • 1973 study of zoology ad paleontology, University of Vienna
  • 1984-2016 Curator at the Herpetological Collection of the Vienna Natural History Museum
  • 1988-2016 scientific administrative officer at the Herpetological Collection

Morphology, eidonomy and differential diagnosis of anuran larvae.
Chorology, faunistics and systematics of amphibians and reptiles of Central and South Europe, North Africa, Near and Middle East.
Editor in chief of the journal ‘Herpetozoa - Berichte der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Herpetologie’

Travels to Brazil, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Oman; numerous excursions to Greece, Aegean Islands in particular.

1. zoology

Ahnelt Harald
associate scientist
Bacher Florian
project researcher
Berg Hans-Martin
collection manager
Bibl Alexander
collection manager
Bogutskaya Nina
associate scientist
Chai Min
Project Researcher
Duda Michael
Project researcher
Engelmaier Gernot
associate scientist
Ernst Karin
project researcher
Franzke Jennifer
associate scientist
Friedrich Rok
Project researcher
Gassner Georg
collection manager
Gerlach Lilli
Grunstra Nicole D. S.
affiliated scientist
Haring Melina
Hengl Marietta
project researcher
Herzig Barbara
associate scientist
Illek Robert
head taxidermist
Kamschal Denise
technical assistant
Kirchner Sandra
Staff scientist, Laboratory manager
Kornilev Yurii
project researcher "BMK Amphibien und Reptilien Österreichs"
Langnitschke Tim
scientific assistant
Leeb Christoph
project researcher „C321083 Biodiversitätsfonds“
Mikschi Ernst
head of department
Palandačić Anja
Collection Manager, Staff Scientist
Querner Pascal
Project researcher
Reier Susanne
Project Researcher
Renner Swen
curator, senior scientist
Riedel Bettina
staff scientist & curator collection NHM-4ART
Rubin Iris
model and diorama builder
Saliari Konstantina
curator, staff scientist
Schedl Benjamin
project researcher Harrison Collection
Schiller Katharina
research assistant
Schweiger Silke
curator, staff scientist
Shandikov Gennadiy
project researcher
Sonnleitner Ria
project researcher "Gefährliche Fauna " (ÖBH)"
Sontag Walter, A.
associate scientist
Stefke Katharina
staff scientist
Sumasgutner Petra
associate scientist
van den Elzen Renate
associate scientist
Viehauser Christof
scientific assistant
Wallner Nathalie
Administrative management, taxidermist
Witthoff Ronja
Wolf Paul
Project researcher
Wöss Günther
scientific assistant
Zachos Frank Emmanuel
curator, staff scientist