Nesrine Akkari

Main Grants and Research funding
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant. Project
BIG4 - Biosystematics, informatics and genomics of the big 4 insect groups: training tomorrow's researchers and entrepreneurs":
Beneficiary - in collaboration with 9 European institutions and 11 partners coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Alexey Solodovnikov
(Copenhagen University). ca. 3.885.250 euro. http://big4-project.eu/news/
The Carlsberg Research Foundation, Denmark: Postdoctoral salary (12 months)
Natural History
Museum of Denmark Postdoc salary: (24 months)
Millipeet fund. Field Museum Chicago: Field trip,
March 2008 in Tunisia
Synthesys Project: Ca. 50 days in several European Museums (AT-TAF, DK-TAF, ES-TAF,
Senckenberg Naturkundemuseum Görlitz: Research stays 2005-2008.
Ph.D. 2010 Faculty of Sciences of Tunis. With honors and referees’ compliments
MSc. 2005 Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Ecology, and Biology of populations. With the highest score
BA. 2002 Faculty of Sciences of Tunis
MSc. “Contribution à l’étude systématique et écologique des myriapodes de Tunisie”. Ecologie et Biologie des populations. University of Tunis 2005, 123 pp.
PhD. “La faune des myriapodes (Arthropodes) de Tunisie: Diversité, taxonomie et affinités écobiogéographiques”. University of Tunis 2010, 202 pp.
Professional experience
June 2014 – present: Head of the Myriapod Collection at the Natural History Museum Vienna
2017- present guest lecturer at the University of Vienna, Department of Integrative Zoology.
December 2013 – June 2014: Guest researcher at the Natural History Museum of Denmark (NHMD), University of Copenhagen
June 2012 – December 2013: Postdoctoral Researcher, NHMD, University of Copenhagen
June 2011– July 2012: Postdoctoral Researcher, NHMD, University of Copenhagen
Dec. 2010 – June 2011: Postdoctoral Researcher, NHMD, University of Copenhagen
2005 – 2009: Part-time Assistant Professor, University of Tunis
South-East Asia, Thailand
Austria: Carinthia; Styria
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